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📣 Infidels Answer to This Question, plz


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ: 👉 📣 Infidels answer to this question, plz: ⁉️ How can you disbelieve in God when you were lifeless and He brought you to life; then He will cause you to die, then He will bring you [back] to life, and then to Him you will be returned?


❓Chris Ballingall: My parents ‘brought me to life’ when they had sex. No gods involved.


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ: Who gave life to them?


❓Chris Ballingall: Who gave my parents life were their parents.


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ: And the 1st parents of them???


❓Chris Ballingall: there is no such thing as the ‘first parents’


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ: Do you mean that our creation never had a start?


❓Chris Ballingall: It’s like asking who was the first speaker of Italian


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ : Not at all. My question wasn’t that who were are 1st parents. I just asked who gave life to them.


❓Chris Ballingall: And that’s a nonsense question


❓Kurtis Leeson: Because there is no evidence that holds up for a god or a single claim you just made
Meaning there is no logical or rational reason to believe


❓Dennis Feenstra: asks: “How can you disbelieve in God when you were lifeless and He brought you to life;”
No living thing owes their existence to direct divine intervention. All living things owe their existence to reproducing populations. Is God ultimately responsible and used mutation and natural selection as tools of creation? I don’t know. Maybe it’s the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ: Plz, just answer that question, if you may?
You answered that question with another question. That isn’t the answer of that question


❓Chris Ballingall: My parents ‘brought me to life’ when they had sex. No gods involved.
And their parents gave them their lives
You presume that humanity had a defined beginning. There is no biological evidence to support this claim


❓Dennis Feenstra: Where does red end and where does blue begin? There is change over time where extremes are labelled for convenience. There is no “first parent” in the traditional religious sense.


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ : Red and blue have just a picture but we have not only a picture but also a body(a physics). Even though the beginning of all colours were either white or black. All the nature has a beginning


❓Chris Ballingall: I didn’t say that it didn’t. I said that there was no defined beginning to humanity
That doesn’t answer the question. It’s an analogy


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ: It’s amazing that you ask questions and you are expecting to get answers but never answer any questions yourself!!!


❓Chris Ballingall: There is no biological evidence that humanity had a defined starting point. Evolution occurs across populations and generations, not from 1:1
You keep asking ‘who’ which is a nonsense question


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ: And who or what causes you to die???


❓Chris Ballingall : Death is an ongoing process. As soon as we are conceived the process of death starts.


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ: And don’t you believe in Hereafter?


❓Chris Ballingall: Of course not


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ : So, what could be the aim of your creation?


❓Chris Ballingall: Aim? I don’t have any purpose other than that which I set for myself. My parents wanted children but they did not instil any purpose on me.


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ: How could all these creations don’t have any purpose?


❓Chris Ballingall: Why must they have a purpose?


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ : When you as a human being create a table you have a purpose for it, then how could all these creations were created without any purpose???!!!!


❓Chris Ballingall You only have that problem because you demand that a god was involved.
I don’t have that problem


❓Dennis Feenstra: If the shadow on a rock of Mars can be used as a means to derive ‘time’, even though no life on Mars exists, is the purpose of a rock to serve as a clock?
You see, it’s rather convenient theists argue for purpose in things based on their own needs, rather than what God tells you what it is


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ: I don’t demand, my mind, my heart and my eyes convince me that all these creations were created for a very great purpose


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ: Dennis Feenstra You just answer my questions instead of relating everything to what God tells, plz


❓Chris Ballingall: It’s still your problem. As is the acceptance that if you think everything was designed to have a purpose then you agree that viruses were created to kill humans – that makes the god you believe in a monster


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ : Why don’t you answer my questions step by step.? Did I talk about God at present???


❓Chris Ballingall: I’ve answered every one of your questions. That you don’t like my answers is not my problem
If you don’t want us to talk about the god you believe in the why are you asking ‘who’ do often?


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ : I asked you, what could be the purpose of all these creations?
Who or what?


❓Chris Ballingall: And I asked why they have to have a purpose.
I don’t believe that any life has a predefined purpose.


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ: An example: When you as a human being create a table you have a purpose for it, then how could all these creations were created without any purpose???!!!!


❓Chris Ballingall: Your example assumes a creator. That’s what you believe in. I don’t believe in a creator god. I don’t believe that any life has a predefined purpose.


✍️Ansar Imam Mahdi AJ : Why don’t you give me the exact answer of that question?? You just relate all my questions to my belief of God. Plz, just answer my question disregarding my beliefs


❓Chris Ballingall: It’s odd that you don’t want us to position a response about a god and yet you give an analogy that demands precisely that
I have answered you directly.

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