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[Shafaqna Exclusive] The Call to Devotion

Shafaqna English- Throughout history and across the globe, devotees of the Prophet’s Ahlul-Bayt (AS) regard the Month of Muharram as a chance to pay homage and remember the extraordinary legacy of Imam Hussain (AS). It is undoubtedly the most pivotal and glorious chapter in his radiant life, marked by the events of Karbala and the circumstances leading to his martyrdom. However, the life of Hussain ibn Ali (AS) was not confined to Karbala alone; his moral and spiritual virtues shone brightly throughout various stages of his life, serving as a beacon of inspiration and guidance.

The following text is a summary of the book The Beauty of Morality: A Glance at the Virtues of Imam Hussain (AS) written by the late Ayatollah Sheikh Lutfullah Safi Golpayegani, translated and published by Shafaqna.

The Call to Devotion

The Spirit of Worship

Ibn ‘Abd Al-Barr and Ibn Athir have reported from Mus’ab ibn Zubayr that he said:

“Hussain (AS) was a man of great virtue and unwavering commitment to his faith. His prayer and fasting were numerous and frequent.” [1]

‘Abdullah ibn Zubayr described his devotion to worship as follows: “Hussain (AS) was awake at night, and he fasted during the day.”

‘Aqqad adds: “In addition to the five daily prayers, he would also perform additional prayers, and he would fast not only during the Month of Ramadhan, but also on certain days in other months. He never missed the Hajj pilgrimage to the House of God, except when circumstances made it impossible for him to do so.” [2]

Imam Hussain (AS) would perform a thousand Rak’ahs of prayer in a single day, and he undertook the Hajj pilgrimage on foot twenty-five times. [3] This is a testament to the perfection of his worship and his humility before God. On one occasion, he grasped the corner of the Kaaba and, in this manner, he offered his prayers, expressing his devotion, and acknowledging his humility before the Almighty God, praising and glorifying God:

اِلهى نَعَمْتَنى فَلَمْ تَجِدْنى شاكِراً وَ ابْتَلَيْتَنى فَلَمْ تَجِدْنى صابِراً فَلا انْتَ سَلَبْتَ النِّعْمَة بِتَرْكِ الشُّكْرِ، وَ لا ادَمْتَ الشِّدَّة بِتَرْكِ الصَّبْرِ الهى ما يَكُونُ مِنَ الْكَريمِ الا الْكَرَم[4]

Oh God! You have bestowed Your blessings upon me, yet I have not been thankful. You have afflicted me with trials, yet I have not been patient. You have not withdrawn Your favors from me due to my ingratitude, nor have You increased the severity of my trials due to my lack of patience. You are the All-Merciful, and it is only fitting that You should be merciful.

To understand the excellence of prayer, worship, and patience of that noble and oppressed Imam (AS), it is sufficient to refer to the well-known Du’a Al-‘Arafah.


[1] Asad Al-Ghabah, Vol. 2, P. 20; Isti’ab, Vol. 1, P. 378.

[2] Abu Al-Shuhada, P. 73.

[3] Isti’ab, Vol. 1, P. 382; Asad Al-Ghabah, Vol. 2, P. 20; Tadhkirat Al-Khawas, P. 244; Tarikh Ya’qubi, Vol. 2, P. 219; Tarikh Abu Al-Fida’, Vol. 2, P. 107.

[4] Is’af Al-Raghibin, P. 183.


Part of Book: Beauty of Morality by the late Ayatollah Sheikh Lutfullah Safi Golpayegani

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