SHAFAQNA- In an interview with Shafaqna, Hujjatol-Islam Rasul Jafarian discussed the political and social characteristics of Imam Hassan (AS). He stated that Imam Hassan Al-Mujtaba (AS) was born either on the night or the day of the middle of Ramadhan in the third year of the Hijra; although some reports suggest the second year, which seems incorrect. There is no reported disagreement about the month and day of his birth.
The martyrdom of Imam Hasan (AS) is mentioned in some sources to have occurred in the Month of Safar, though the exact day is not specified. According to Kulayni and Nobakhti, his death occurred on the last Day of Safar, while Sheikh Tusi recorded it as the twenty-eighth of Safar. Ya’qubi identified the month and year of his martyrdom as Rabi’ Al-Awwal in the year 49, and said that the Imam (AS) was 47 years old. Most sources agree that the year of his martyrdom is 49 AH, though some mention the years 50 or 51.
Lack of Serious Research on the Events of Imam Hassan’s (AS) Era
The distinguished Islamic historian referred to the virtues of Imam Hassan (AS) as narrated in Hadith and noted that many Sunni and Shia scholars have reported these virtues. Throughout history, numerous works have compiled the virtues of this Imam, but unfortunately, until recently, there has been insufficient effort to investigate and critically assess the events of his life. Much like many other periods, the events of his era have accumulated without serious research and thorough evaluation.
The Special Status of Imam Hassan (AS) with the Prophet (PBUH)
He highlighted Imam Hassan’s (AS) special status with the Prophet (PBUH), noting that many of the reported virtues of this esteemed Imam reflect the Prophet’s (PBUH) deep affection for him and his brother. The Prophet (PBUH) openly expressed his love for them, including by descending from the pulpit to kiss them and then returning to the pulpit, indicating the intentionality of his affection. Additionally, the Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said that witnesses should convey his love for Imam Hassan (AS) to those absent and stated, “I love him, and also those who love him.”
Jafarian added that Imam Hassan’s (AS) participation in the “Mubahala” and his position among the Companions are indicators of the esteem the Prophet had for him. Notably, Imam Hassan (AS) was present at the Pledge of Ridwan, and the Prophet (PBUH) took an oath with him. A Hadith from the Prophet (PBUH) states: “If reason were embodied in a man, it would be Hassan.” Imam Hassan’s (AS) ability to mobilize the people of Kufa during the revolt of the Nasibis shows his significance and respect among the people of that city. Muslims, considering these Hadiths, view the children of Lady Fatimah (SA) as the Prophet’s (PBUH) descendants, and despite the denials of the Umayyads and later the Abbasids, no doubt arose among Muslims.
Imam Hassan (AS) and the Issue of Imamate
The distinguished Islamic historian discussed how Imam Ali (A.S) introduced his son as his successor. On a Friday when Imam Ali (A.S) was ill, he instructed Hassan (AS) to lead the prayer. Regardless of the Shia community of Kufa’s religious inclination, attention should be given to the specific Shia concepts of the Ahlul-Bayt (AS) and the role of Imamate at this stage.
The first sermon of Imam Mujtaba (AS) as recorded in all sources is as follows: “Whoever knows me, knows me; whoever does not, I am Hassan, the son of Muhammad (PBUH), the Messenger of Allah (SWT). I am the son of the bearer of glad tidings and the warner; I am the son who calls to Allah (SWT) with God’s Permission and with a clear light.
I am from a family whom Allah (SWT) has purified and kept away from impurity; those whose love Allah (SWT) has made obligatory in God’s Book, where God says: ‘Say, I do not ask you for any reward except love for my near relatives, and whoever does a good deed, We will increase for him in good.’ So, the good deed is loving us, the Ahlul-Bayt (AS).”
Mas’udi cited part of one of Imam Hassan’s (AS) sermons, where he said: “We are the saved party of Allah (SWT). We are the close family of the Messenger of Allah. We are the pure and virtuous Ahlul-Bayt (AS), one of the two weighty things (Thaqalain) that the Prophet (PBUH) left among you, the other being the Book of Allah (SWT), in which there is no doubt.” He further emphasized: “Obey us, for obedience to us is obligatory, as it is linked to the obedience of Allah (SWT) and the Messenger (PBUH).
If you dispute over something, refer it to Allah (SWT) and God’s Messenger (PBUH)… If referred to the Prophet (PBUH) and the rightful leaders, those who are knowledgeable in extracting knowledge will know it.” Hilal ibn Yasaf reported that he attended the sermon of Hassan ibn Ali (AS) in which he said: “O’ people of Kufa! Fear Allah (SWT) regarding us. We are your leaders and your guests. We are the family about whom Allah (SWT) said: ‘Indeed, Allah (SWT) intends to remove impurity from you, O’ people of the household, and to purify you thoroughly.’” This sermon seems to have been given after Imam Hassan (AS) was injured in Sabaat. Like his father, despite the reports about the pledges of the Muhajirun and Ansar to the previous caliphs, Imam Mujtaba (AS) viewed the caliphate as his right.