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The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from the Perspective of Imam Musa Kadhim (AS)

Shafaqna English- Imam Musa ibn Ja’far Al-Kadhim (AS) said about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

When I was five years old, some Jews came to my father (Imam Sadiq (AS)) and asked, “Are you the son of Muhammad (PBUH), the Prophet of this nation? And are you the authority on earth?” The Imam (AS) replied: “Yes.” The Jews said: “It is written in the Torah that God granted the book and prophethood to Abraham (AS) and his descendants, and God also granted them governance and leadership. All descendants of the prophets were like this, and prophethood, leadership, and succession were never taken away from them. But you are not like this; leadership has been established in others, and you are weak, and the followers of your ancestor are not inclined towards you!”

At this moment, tears flowed from Imam Sadiq’s (AS) eyes, and he said: “Yes, the prophets of God have always been oppressed and wronged, and they were killed without any sin, while the oppressors prevailed and thankful servants of God are few.”

The Jews said: “The Prophets and their successors were knowledgeable without formal education. Are you also like this?” Imam Sadiq (AS) said to me: “Come closer, O’ Musa!” Imam Kadhim (AS) says: I approached him, and he touched my chest with his hand and then said, “O’ God! I swear by the right of Muhammad (PBUH) and his family, to support him.” Then he said: “Ask him whatever you wish.” The Jews said: “How can we ask a child who knows nothing?” I said: “I know! Ask whatever you want. Leave aside these comments.”

They then asked: “What were the seven miracles that God granted to Prophet Moses (PBUH)?” I answered: “The staff, the white hand, the locusts, the lice, the frogs, the blood, the going to Mount Sinai, the manna and quails, and the splitting of the sea.” They said: “You have answered correctly! What miracle does your Prophet have?”

I said: “The miracles of our Prophet (PBUH) are many. Listen and understand: One is that you know that before the prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the devils used to ascend to the heavens and eavesdrop. When the Messenger of God (PBUH) was appointed, they were forbidden to do so, and soothsaying and magic were rendered false. Another miracle is that the wolf spoke about his prophethood. Both friends and enemies agree on his truthfulness. He was not ignorant from childhood and had no equal or counterpart. Another miracle was that he cursed the Quraysh and said: ‘O’ God, make their years like the years of Yusuf (AS).’ Then a famine struck for several years. Many miracles have been enumerated for the Prophet (PBUH).”

Imam Kadhim (AS) also described one of his ethical characteristics in dealing with people as follows: “Whenever the Messenger of Allah (SWT) had a guest, he would eat with him and would not lift his hand from the table until the guest had raised his hand.” The Prophet (PBUH) said: “We are a people who do not eat until we are completely hungry, and when we eat, we do not fill ourselves completely” (so that we do not forget the hunger and needs of others).

This text is written by Mohammad Saeid Taheri Moosavi & translated by Fatemeh Aghaei for Shafaqna English. All rights reserved for Shafaqna. 

Part of a series: The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Facts

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