Shafaqna English– The Journal of Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences has published the paper: “The Impact of Prophet Muhammad Motivation Techniques on Students’ Performance” written by Wan Mazwati Wan Yusoff in 2012.
According to Shafaqna, this paper expresses techniques used by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to motivate students in order to perform better. According to the results of this study, the techniques used by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to motivate his companions 1500 years ago still work in the present time.
Besides, the impact of these motivation techniques is obvious in the improvement of students’ task interest, collaborative learning, academic self-concept, self-confidence, motivation to learn, and the decrease in behavioral problems especially truancy. Moreover, students’ academic performance has shown an improvement. Also, the results showed that these motivation techniques are not exclusively for Muslim students.
The motivation techniques which put emphasis on using only positive words and avoidance of using any negative words, criticism, reprimand, and punishment may be the contributing factors that motivate students to perform better. However, the most frequent techniques used by the teacher in the present study were praising technique and asking behavioral questions to raise self-confidence technique.
Six motivation techniques were extracted from the selected authentic hadiths which are mentioned below:
- Technique of giving reward: When task was done correctly, reward is given. When the task was done in public, the reward is given in public. The reward given is social reward. Those who did the task wrongly are not criticized.
- Technique of discouraging bad behaviors: Those who misbehaved should NOT be criticized for misbehaving. They should be informed about the rules and regulations and what they should not do.
- Technique of giving praise: Praise is given on good behavior/effort/good outcome. It is given instantly after good behavior. Praise is given publicly and when possible, it shall be given in front of VIPs. It is given on actions not on person or personality.
- Technique of encouraging good behavior: Encouragement should be given throughout school assembly or before learning a difficult subject or doing a difficult task.
- Technique to raise self-confidence: Four questions should be asked that it is certain all students will raise their hands since they have done whatever has been asked. After asking those four questions, say, for example “Those who have done these will certainly be successful”.
- Technique to deal with bad behavior: The bad behavior done by the students should not be criticized. The reasons why they did that bad behavior should not be investigated; rather, solutions should be offered for solving the students’ problem.
Source: sciencedirect