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[Shafaqna Interview] Ayatollah Andelib: The Prophet of Islam’s (PBUH) Mission Was To Promote “Freedom, Justice, Human Dignity”

SHAFAQNA – A Scholar at Qom Seminary discussed humanity and human freedom in the Islamic school of thought, stating: In the pre-Islamic era, the concept of humanity was limited to being a man, having power, wealth, and tribal fame. A person who belonged to a prominent tribe and indulged in extravagance and waste, while possessing outward power, was considered noble. This culture changed with the advent of the Prophet Islam (PBUH), introducing a new concept of humanity; dignity no longer depended on skin color, wealth, or power, but rather on piety and ethics.

Ayatollah Andelib Hamadani explained: The period before the advent of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) can be described, based on the Qur’an, Nahjul-Balaghah and history, as a time of intellectual, social, and moral decline. In this period, there was no trace of justice, humanity, freedom, or nobility. The Qur’an, Nahjul-Balaghah and history all explicitly describe this situation, and they regard the Prophet’s (PBUH) mission as the beginning of humanity’s salvation from such darkness and ignorance.

He emphasized: The mission of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was to promote humanity, freedom, justice, and human dignity. He rose to free humans from the shackles of oppression and tyranny and dedicated his entire being to achieving these goals. The Prophet (PBUH) never sought to take away the freedom of thought from the people. Any confrontation with polytheists and oppressors was because they obstructed the freedom of choice for the people. The Prophet (PBUH) was firm with those who deprived people of freedom of thought and choice.

Ayatollah Andelib Hamadani stated: What is concerning and regrettable today is the behavior of rulers and those in power worldwide. Unlike the people and scholars, these rulers strive not for human values but solely for the preservation of their own dominance and power. When they talk about human rights, they define human rights only for themselves, and when they speak of freedom, they desire freedom only for themselves and their allies.

A clear example of this contradiction can be seen in the double standards and inconsistencies of some global powers. Attacks on weaker nations, the violation of people’s rights, and hypocrisy in claiming freedom and humanity are clear evidence of this. These actions reflect a modern-day form of ignorance imposed on the world by these rulers; an ignorance far from humanity and freedom, where oppression and injustice prevail.

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