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As a Servant Thanking his Lord Passionately : Delicacies of Prayer in the Dua al-Iftitah (Part 2)

SHAFAQNA – In a part of the invocation of al-Iftitah which is recommended to be recited every night of the blessed month of Ramadan, we are encouraged to thank Allah, in words which specially invoke the monotheism of belief and take us to passionate depths of servitude:


الحمد لله الذي لم يتخذ صاحبة ولا ولداً

ولم يكن له شريك في الملك

ولم يكن له وليّ من الذل وكبره تكبيراً

All Praise is for Allah who has not taken a wife nor a son

who has no partner in His Kingdom

who has no friend to protect Him from humiliation

so magnify Him with a great Magnificnace


الحمد لله بجميع محامده كُلها

على جميع نعمه كله

الحمد لله لا مُضاد في مُلكه

ولا منازع له في أمره

الحمد لله الذي لا شريك له في خلقه

ولا شبيه له في عظمته

الحمد لله الفاشي في الخلق امرُهُ

وحمده الظاهر بالكرم مجدُه

الباسط بالجُود يده

الذي لا تنقُص خزائنه

ولا تزيده كثرة العطاء إلا جُوداً وكرما

إنه هو العزيز الوهاب

All Praise is for Allah for all His praiseworthy acts

for all His favours and blessings

All Praise is for Allah who has no opposition in His Kingdom

nor any challenge to His command

All Praise is for Allah who has no partner in creation

nor anyone like Him in His Greatness

All Praise is for Allah, His commands operate over His creation

His Praise is evident through His Generosity

whose bestowal stretches out liberally

His treasures never decrease

(rather) the frequency of His Giving increases

His Generosity and Kindness,

Surely He is the Mighty, the Bestower.

الحمد لله مالك المُلك مُجري الفلك

مُسخر الرياح فالق الأصباح

ديّان الدين رب العالمين

الحمد لله على حلمه بعد علمه

والحمد لله على عفوه بعد قدرته

والحمد لله على طول اناته في غضبه

وهو قادر على ما يُريد

الحمد لله خالق الخلق

باسط الرزق فالق الإصباح

ذي الجلال والإكرام والفضل والإنعام

الذي بعد فلا يُرى وقرب فشهد النجوى

تبارك وتعالى

الحمد لله الذي ليس له مُناز يُعادله

ولا شبيه يُشاكله ولا ظهير يُعاضده

قهر بعزته الأعزاء وتواضع لعظمته العُظماء

فبلغ بقدرته ما يشاء

All Praise is for Allah

The Owner of the Kingdom

who makes the ships sail,

controls the wind,

causes the dawn to break,

is the authority on the Day of Judgement,

the Lord of the worlds.

All Praise is for Allah

for His patience despite His knowledge.

All Praise is for Allah

for His forgiveness despite His power.

All Praise is for Allah

for the lengthy respite He gives despite His anger,

though He has the power to do as He wills.

All Praise is for Allah

the creator of all creation,

the provider of plentiful sustenance,

the cleaver of the dawn,

possessor of Glory and Honor,

and Excellence and Blessings,

who is far and thus cannot be seen,

but is close and thus witnesses secret conversations,

Blessed and Exalted be His name.

All Praise is for Allah

who has no equal who argues with Him

nor anyone similar to Him

nor any Helper to support Him

He overpowers the mighty by His strength

the great humble themselves before His tremendousness,

He accomplishes what He wishes through His power


الحمد لله الذي يُجيبني حين اناديه

ويستر عليّ كل عورة وأنا اعصيه

ويُعظم النعمة عليّ فلا اجازيه

فكم من موهبة هنيئة قد اعطاني

وعظيمة مخوفة قد كفاني وبهجة مونقة قد اراني

فاثني عليه حامداً واذكُره مُسبحا

الحمد لله الذي لا يُهتك حجابه ولا يُغلق بابه

ولا يُرد سائله ولا يُخيّب امله

الحمد لله الذي يُؤمن الخائفين

ويُنجي الصالحين ويرفع المُستضعفين

ويضع المُستكبرين ويُهلك ملوكا

ويستخلف أخرين

والحمد لله قاصم الجبارين

مبير الظالمين مُدرك الهاربين

نكال الظالمين صريخ المستصرخين

موضع حاجات الطالبين معتمد المؤمنين

All Praise is for Allah

who answers me when I call Him

covers all my faults yet I disobey Him

increases His bounties on me

but I do not acknowledge them.

How many pleasant gifts He has given me

how many great fears He has removed

how many delightful joys He has shown me

Thus I glorify Him, thanking Him

and I remember Him with praise.

All praise is for Allah

whose curtains cannot be opened

whose doors cannot be locked

who does reject the one who asks Him

and who does not disappoint the one who places hope in Him.

All Praise is for Allah

who provides safety for the frightened

rescues the virtuous

raises the oppressed

humiliates the proud

destroys kings

and replaces them with others.

All Praise is for Allah, who crushes the tyrants

annihilates the oppressors

watches over the runaways

punishes the oppressors

assists those who cry for help

grants the requests of the beseechers

and is the confidence of the believers.


الحمد لله الذي من خشيته ترعد السماء وسُكانها

وترجف الأرض وعُمارها

وتموج البحار ومن يسبح في غمراتها

الحمد لله الذي هدانا لهذا

وما كُنا لنهتدي لو لا أن هدانا الله

الحمد لله الذي يخلق ولم يُخلق

ويرزُق ولا يُرزق ويُطعِم ولا يُطعم

ويُميت الأحياء ويُحيي الموتى

وهو حيّ لا يمُوت بيده الخير

وهو على كل شيئ قدير

All praise is for Allah

in whose awe the skies and its inhabitants shake

the earth and its inhabitants tremble

the sea and all that swims in it, billows

All praise is for Allah who guided us to this

and we would not have been guided

had He not guided us to this.

All Praise is for Allah

who creates but is not created

gives sustenance but is not given sustenance

feeds but is not fed

causes the living to die and gives life to the dead

He is Ever-living and does not die

in His control is all good

and He has power over all things.


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